Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sunday Funday

The weekend has been less then ideal, I still have no power and the food in my fridge is slowly going bad. I have had no word from anyone about what is going on and I can't reach anyone, a google search can only tell me that due to a large fire and a train crash that Simi Valley was evacuated, and that travel in and out is closed. If Simi was evacuated how can I still be here? I guess they meant mostly evacuated. I think I am the only one on my street that is left. I went door to door this morning and either people weren't answering or they were gone. It seems more then likely that they were gone. I decided not to do anything on yesterday I figured Id enjoy the day, experience a day without modern convenience, read by candle light and turn in early. That was interesting for about 6 hours.

At about 4 in the afternoon, I remembered Cam had a motor home and that occasionally his kids would watch TV in it. I figured Cam and his family aren't around so wouldn't mind if I made myself at home. I managed to charge my phone in the motor home, I also helped myself to some food from their house. If these basic acts of theft weren't enough I also slept in the motor home last night because it has power and a DVD player. I am currently still in the motor home, where I typing this blog up on my phone.

Let me take this moment to thank Cam. Dear Cam I appreciate your things, thank you.

My final decisions have been made. First thing I am going to do is bike to the train crash, and see if I can get someone to take me and Nevele out of Simi, if that doesn't work I am taking the cat and going to Aaron's house, and I am going to stay there until I figure out what to do next. I know he has a back up generator, and a land line so I might be able to use those, he also has a large store of food. He and his wife were always very worried about earthquakes so they have tons of water and canned goods, we use to always joke that if a disaster happened we would all be moving in. That joke has lost a lot of its humor for me now. Happy Birthday to me.
A Real Catch-23